Chappells Email to Bcci
Ganguly: Keep Team out of this
Manager refutes Chappells Claim
Harbhajan slams coach Chappell
What do you think of this ?
Below is MY VIEW :)
I Know Media is getting quite HARSH on dada, but we have known
Dada for a Long time now :)
Dada is capable of doing such things (what chappell has mentioned)
When Sehwag-Tendu Pair was in-form and he gave himself that Opening
Position to Bat alongside Sehwag, and Tendu was moved to sometimes
4th Postion or 5th Position, We all got this doubt.
What Harbhajan is saying, exactly Chappell mentions in his email
to the Board :) Dada is spreading rumours inside the team,
he gave an example of Laxman, And when asked directly he
has no explaination.
Harbhajan must clarify directly to Chappell whether or not he said
such things or he has just heard from his friends.
Harbhajan said that he had come to know from his friends that
Chappell had accused him of underperforming deliberately under
Rahul Dravids captaincy during the Sri Lanka tour.
Harbhajan says, Dada rebuild the team after Match Fixing scandal - Correct
Harbhajan says, Dada supported all the Youngsters - Correct
Harbhajan says, Dada is a very successful Captain - Correct
Harbhajan says, Dada is a Aggressive Captain -- Correct
we know when he removed his Shirt at Lords (I M PROUD OF THAT)
But Harbhajan is not taking one point into consideration that,
1) Dada is loosing his HOLD :(
2) And he is in a PANIC Situation.
3) He is not ready to Face NEW BALL
4) He is making a mockery of HIMSELF by saying he is injured
5) He is so selfish, we all see how he has RUN-OUT so many established
Batsmen due to his poor running and selfish cause its evident in last
test match with Laxmans Run-Out.
6) Why he is asking to keep team out of all this is he knows whatever
he has spread to his teammates or said to his teammates,
will be open to the Board and Chappell
7) Dada Never accepts his mistakes/problems, All the fast bowlers in todays
cricket know that Dada is weak playing short balls on leg side,
everybody knows that Dada is weaker in running between wickets..
but Dada is asusual :) no difference
I had Lots of Respect for Dada, And it will continue to diminish if he
does such things, in and off the field.
I know media is little harsh on him, I specifically mentioned this in
the Zinbabwe Test Matches Dada scored 100 in 200 Balls,
Dravid Scored 98 in 200 Balls but the headlines was different.
I understand, that a person needs its Fans, its countries support,
THE MOST when he is out of form.
But Dada, must come to terms, and just concentrate on Batting,
accept his Faults and move on he will definately regain his glory,
and will be able to retire on a FINE NOTE after the coming
World Cup, We need you Dada, but not like this.