First of all im surprised that there is only one review on grindhouse cause I thought that there are many quentin tarantino fans here in india , anyways im a die hard fan of his movies and as soon as my exams got over I bought the dvd of his latest movie " the grindhouse" only after I returned did I see the cover said that it was co-directed by robert rodriguez , the robert rodriguez who directed "desparado" and "sin city" man I was expecting a classic really what else would you expect from two of the best directors of our generation nut I have to say that I was terribly disappointed.
First of all it is a double feature (meaning two movie in one)and lots of trailers in between making it one of the longest hollywood movies in recent times.It has a rugged look deliberately making it look like an 80s or 70s movie.For more information about the making cast and a synopsis of the two movies and all the trailers just go to this link:
I will just give my view and scenes to watch out for in this movie.the common thread which binds the 2 movies "death proof" and "planet terror" is that both deals with strong women characters especially rose mcgowan looks great in the first movie , man I still cant forget the scene when she fights with her one leg and the other with a gun wow what a sight!!.thats an original idea which only people like quentin or robert can pull off but besides such moment of brilliance theres not much in the first movie , bruce willis was used badly .
This is a typical formula movie and some scenes were just disgusting!!! like the one when quentins balls just fall off while he tries to rape rose.Probably he took cue from the movie "hostel" which he produced.(by the way the director of "hostel" has made a cameo appearance in this movie).the ending was predictable and there was nothing more worthy to watch in the first movie.
as far as the second movie is concerned its a little better .This time, the stunt scenes were great .the ending was enjoyable but theres not much scope for acting in this movie again I have say that people like kurt russell were used badly in this movie they could have got any old hunk to play that part instead.but again the stunt sequences are the one to watch out for in this movie.overall it is a long and disappointing movie.
this movie had more disgusting scenes than any movie I have ever seen (i havent seen "hostel" yet) not to mention the trailers they are worse than the movie itself but you should give credit to quentin and robert for their originality in bringing the oldies look to the film.besides some flashesof brilliance this movie is a complete waste of time. I would recommend all of you to watch it on the dvd (anyways I dont think that its gonna release in theatres here anyway) cause its a long movie , so its better to take breaks in between otherwise you will lose interest .this movie has certainly *flattered to deceive *. For all you quentin fans this is not the movie for you cause this time he doesnt seem to give importance to the acting or the screenplay.He has entirely relied on the gore and violence to carry this film which is disappointing.