I purchased a deal online .
This was it https://groupon.co.in/deals/shopping/white-and-blue-oceanic-wave-light-projector/560072
However I received the product in broken condition . I am trying to call their customer service since last week but whenever I call I find them busy and then my call disconnects. I mailed to their support email Id several times but received no response.
"Group-on Customer Service
Whatever the query, we’ll take care of it:" - For taking care of my query you need to respond to my email and phone calls.
My bad that I missed the same product was available in amazon.in, Snapdeal and Flipkart. I should have bought it from there who have 100 times better support then Groupons support who dont even reply and claims "Whatever the query, we’ll take care of it"
I have also tweeted to their Group On India handle, they atleast replied and asked me to send a mail to social@groupon. which I did but then again no further reply. I cant keep on tweeting, calling and emailing them, I expect a better service like Flipkart, Amazon etc.