I had purchased a deal on crazeal for AC servicing in Kolkata. For past 7 days I have been meeting UNPROFESSIONAL and DISGUSTED service from crazeal side. First of all, the number that was provided in the vouter of the deal was WRONG. The guy who picked up the phone disgustngly said WITHOUT ANY MANNERS that they dont provide any AC service for any compnay. IS THIS THE SERVICE STANDARD OF CRAZEAL? After that, I called up their customer care number at 1800-103-2111 and narrated the story. The customer service operator told me that the number of service provider has changed, and she gave me a new number. She said by dialing this number, the AC service representative will surely visit my house. But more horror awaited when I dialed this new number. The guy on other side of phone said rudely that we wont provide any AC service to you and told me to call back Crazeal or go to hell. I felt that I AM SOME KIND OF A FOOTBALL WHOM ANYONE CAN KICK AND ASK ME TO CALL FROM ONE PERSON TO ANOTHER. FOR A 100 RS DEAL I HAVE LOST RS 100 IN PHONE BILLS PLUS MENTAL TORURE WHICH IS SEPERATE. At last, I dialed again the customer care who gave me a direct number of Crazeals Kolkata representative. I narrated the story to him, to which he apologized and said there was some problem with the service provider and that he has arranged with a new service provider, whose number he gave to me. I again called this new number, in hope that at last I will get my AC services, BUT ALL HOPES HAVE DIED TODAY. The new service provider took my address in SMS and said he will visit my premises on monday, BUT THIS DAY HAS NEVER COME.
I want to ask crazeal that DO YOU TAKE YOUR CUSTOMERS FOR A RIDE? Is this your daily practice and code of conduct? You have received a payment from me and for return all I am getting is UNPROFESSIONAL AND MANNER LESS SERVICE from you and your service providers. Is your company some kind of scam? ONCE A CUSTOMER PAYS YOU FORGET ABOUT HIM. ARE THESE YOUR ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCT - To DUPE INNOCENT CUSTOMERS? Is it like this you want to run a online deals business - by LURING AND CHEATING CUSTOMERS? My AC has not been serviced till date, and I dont think it will get services by crazeal either. So folks, dont fall fool for their scam deals and use your brains instead. All their deals are scam and fraud. Once you pay your hard earned money, you will feel like a fool.