It has been a nightmare I have been living in past 1 month coz being naive about the intentions of this fraud website, we ordered for a sweing machine which was delivered but defective. the insensitive cust care team askd us only to coordinate with bluedart for a return and then we give the cust care team the AWB no and then they wud inspect and then reship anothr piece. WOW how insenstive and incompetent this team can be when thy dont even know the meaning of CARE and the work for a customer CARE team.
I had already paid for this order so I took the pains and arrange for a pickup by bluedart. and hv been waiting since 02.04.12 for the fraudsters to send me a brand new product. Crazy team of crazeal expects that customer should do charity by buying from their portal and never expect to get the product. I hve been following up wth this team and they never hv concrete answers or updates regarding sending me the right product.
This comes as a strong word from me. if the product is not sent to me by 30.04.12 then I will make sure tht this crazy team knocks on the customer court doors to apologise. I am now not ready fr a refund. I need my product and I need it bfre 30.04.12.
Not to miss. my order details are: Crazeal code: 2/2026; Security Code: 65C88DAD1F; REF: 53571