I have taken a loan from Gurh Home Finance which was in malleshwaram & now shifted to Jayanagar 9th Block, East End.
while it was in malleshwaram the employees of that bank were very kindful in guiding and proving the services for the customers with proper instructions. also in informing the terms & conditions. - management was good
ever since it is shifted to Jayanagar 9th Block, with the new management & new joinees it is the no.1 worst bank the managers they will suck your blood by increasing the interest rate once in every 2 months. they make their own rules and regulations without informing any customers. if u give any pre payment cheque the same minute the make a rule although the rule is not announced by the head office.
My overall experience is One of the bakwas, bekaaar bank in India as I know. If you are taking any housing loan please please think million times before u go to gruh finance bangalore Jayanagar 9th Block.