Beware of using any product from ‘GTM TELESHOPPING’ as they are supplying fake & duplicate products. Whatever, they are putting advertisements on the TV & Internets are just for sake to attract customers. I had totally bad experience with this company & I wish other customers should not put themselves in such a big trouble. Detail experience as below.
On 20 Oct’11 I ordered 01 nos TOMMY FIT Oil(got 01 more TF oil free) which I received the delivery on 26th Oct11. After using the same for 01 week I didn’t find any result of the said oil. As committed by GTM Teleshopping that after 01 week 01 inch fat is getting reduced is totally not acceptable because it didn’t show any result for my tummy. After 1 week I had called customer care where I got wrong commitment that in near future i.e. within 3-4 months I will be getting good results. However, by Dec11 end I had finished applying 02 bottles of oil as per the instruction given in the oil box but till date i.e. 16th April’12 I didn’t got any result. I asked with customer care to value back(Refund) but nobody showed any concern, in fact I got suggestions like to purchase one more “TUMMY FIT OIL” & see the results.
Due to brand image & trust on this company I had buy this product, but I believe that I have been cheated by this company supplying fake product. On TV what is being committed is totally useless & fraud. Due to the said incident I am totally disappointed & will recommend other customers/users not to trust this shopping site.
Gourish Malevadkar