I am using GTPL broadband since past 7 months. GTPL internet service is not worth praising. I had purchased 6 months internet plan. Since from the beginning the internet service was poor and on complaining to the customer care they sent their serviceman and the very next moment the serviceman left, the service was down within 15 minutes. I have complained more than 20 times and the serviceman repaired the connection more than 10 times but still the problem was unresolved. A whole month passed without internet and then I E-mailed the companys manager about the situation and finally the problem got solved. Again after some time the problem begins to occur and believe me, the customer service was disgusting this time. I called them 50 times a day, and soon they begins to attend the call, it gets disconnected automatically. On calling 20-30 times, they attend the call once and either told the system is down and they cant verify your user ID. Again on calling 15 times after 10 minutes you will hear the same cold response. It is really very poor on their side either their system is not working or the phone gets automatically disconnected before you finish explaining your problem. Many times they refused to forward the call to higher authorities and keep-on repeating the same thing. It is really irritating when you get service like this. Its definitely not recommended to any one. It is not value for money at all.