I saw an ad of Gtpl broadband with its plans being mentioned, the plans looked amazing to me and I thought of applying for it.
The best part was that ut didnt use landline for using internet Unlike BsNl and airtel which gives you a landline side by side and by converting it by spliiter they use modem to use internet. Whereas gtpl had a new concept of giving you direct a Cat5 cable which you can put in your router and use internet with the username and password they allot you.
Then two three post that I applied fpr a 4 mbps connection for 6 months for which I had to pay 8040 as charges and 1500 separate for installation chage ( non refundable) .
It was obviously a costly one as compared to my previous Bsnl 512 kbps connection but I was happy with a thought that I am going to get 4 mbps.
It took them 8 days to provide me the net. For the fist two days it amazed me as I was 530 kbps as downloading speed in IDM I was very much happy even downloaded almost 5-6 gn that day.
Then post that it started throttling and went to 400 kbps and then I raised the complaint and they told me that it will get resolved within 24 hours. It did happen. But then again after two days the same happened.
I am tired of lodging complaints and getting resolutions after that. Why cant they just provide me a proper connection. They are just focussing on increasing the no. Of cstomers and not at all caring about the existin ones.