I live in gandhinagar and have come in contact with my friend who suggested me to take gtpl brodband service and finally I took
Here its my review.
Speed: as I have come in plan with gtpl I have taken plan of smat plan in which
It has in day to 9pm at night they have speed 0f 615 kbps and later on it would be 1mbps till 6 am
But just after few days it has complication
Speed was poor downloading speed wad near about 8-9kbps only.
I have to call so much time to coustmercare though not satisfactory results I got.
Once a time I have complained 3times in a raw for continues 2 days though they didnt come so I went to thier office and then they have solved it.
After compltiton of planed they have told us that if you make 1 mbps plan instead of smart plan then you wont face any problem so we did that now probs are low but not over
Yet sometimes problems of law speed occur.
So its lil disappointing.
Connectivity: -
Apart of the speed
The conectivity is good that has not any issues its provding good service.
It has diferent kind of plans and in that
They have given free months after your completion of paid period.
As I talked above
Service in conectivity is good
But when mater of costmer care comes I cant say the same cause
They have tag line for their coustmer that
After regestring your complain their client will come and resolve it but not every time they come.
Yet the support of their office staff is good.
But though I would think now that whether I have to go on with gtpl for next plan or not!
So this is my review for gtpl broadband connectivity.hope it will help you to make a right choise in future.