After coming across the mysterious orb in the far reaches of the outer space, peter quill from earth, is the main target of the genocidal villan Ronan, the accuser. For fighting Ronan and his fearful team Quill, forms a team from around the globe with super human powers which would be namedGuardians of the Galaxy. Beginning from the point when the invaluable orb was stolen by peter the ravagers come vehemently in their quest to retrieve back the orb and have enormous amount of money for themselves. The guardians succeed to defeat Ronans right arm Nebula who wanted to destroy Xander but struggle their way to defeat other bountiful hunters, all in for the same cause. The first volume of the movie is stellar and leaves its viewers with astonishing aero-space drama. Similar to its first instalment its usual to expect much the same in its upcoming volume. With new cast members added to the drama its obvious to have an impact on the holistic outlook of the movie. Eagerly waiting to watch. The rates provided down below is on the basis of its presentation in first volume.