When it comes to handbags, I am a complete brand freak. I already own bags from Prada and Chanel. I quite like their stuff. But, only recently my mum gifted me a Gucci handbag in black color. Its simply amazing.
Though I will be the wrong person to talk of its durability, but yes, I do like the leather used in its making. This handbag has a fine detailing and looks classy. Even from a distance you can spot it to be a branded bag. Although it is slightly pricey, but its ok as far as you receive quality at its best. Moreover, Gucci handbags are available at online stores, but make sure you are nit cheated and the product is genuine.
To know if the bag you have shopped for is fake or genuine, keep a few things in mind as listed in this post that I came across while scrolling down the Web.