Situated in Ahemdabad, Gujarat Science city is a government initiative to draw more students towards education in science.It has an IMAX 3D theatre, an energy park, a hall of science, Planet Earth, an amphitheatre, Life Science Park and dancing musical fountains among others.It is one of the biggest science centered theme park in India.
Hall of Space
It is an hitech hall designed to display all the exhibitions.Generally, Visitors march around the ways and the working models of the new vistas opened by the space and communication explorations.There are many technical models related to science.
Planet Earth
The Planet Earth aims to highlight the exquisite beauty and abundant truths of our planet earth and also to bring an awareness of the nature of natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides etc.
Life Science Park
The main objectives of this interactive and outdoor park are to enthuse children in the study of nature and in evolution, propagation and sustenance of life on this planet.
Musical fountain
This is the best part in the park.Water fountain keeps in pace with the music and is decorated by led lights which makes it super awesome.
All in all, one must go there atleast once to have an outstanding experience for lifetime.