I am a big fan of Jack Black and Jason Sega l (Since How I Met Your Mother ). The tale of the adventurous journey of Gulliver is known to all of us since child hood.
The movie is a refreshing treat of the classic voyage . The story begins with the routine life of Gulliver played by Jack Black, I loved him in Kung Fu Panda and Tropic Thunder who works as a mail room in-charge in an organization. Starts his journey towards the mysterious Bermuda triangle without any prior knowledge of the place.
Struck in the dangerous hurricane and crashed on the land of Lilliput . Lilliput has its own kingdom and its an isolated place from the rest of the world the people are small in size but big at hearts. As the story flows the hilarious acts and perfect comic timings of the Jack Black makes it a nice laugh experience.
The performances in romantic scenes by talented Jason Segal and beautiful Emily Blunt are commendable. Children would definitely enjoy this flick.
Being an avid fan of Star Wars, Iron Man and The Transformers , I loved the transformation of the R2D2 and Iron Man . The effects are awesome specially in the scenes when giant size Jack is seen with the Lilliputians. The way Lilliputians treat Jack as a giant Beast is finds out its own nature of fun. The way Lilliputians show that they are awesomely great architects is filled with fun and excitements.
Some of the scenes are really hilarious and worth:
The performances by all the characters are appreciated specially by Jack Black.
The story is known still the scenes are collaborated wisely.
Effects add the excitement to the plot and makes a great nice watching experience.
It’s a visually appealing movie thus have many exciting sequences specially enjoyable by kids.
It’s a fun filed comedy and can be enjoyed with kids and family.
Since the story is widely known the move is rich in other areas. If you have never heard of Gulliver’s Travels then this is a perfect start.
Its a refreshing treat with a new flavor of comedy. A perfect stress buster, wish I could catch the 3D version.