An entrepreneur review: DREAM bigger, go for it and achieve it.
I believe this movie has all the substances to be added in Management College to demonstrate the power of vision and the power of entrepreneur skills. I think entrepreneurship is nothing but ATTITUDE to achieve by thinking out of box and creating opportunities in dearth or weakness. In other words thinking and endeavoring ahead of others and at the same time creating value for fellow men.
The movie GURU has shown all the characteristics of a successful business in the form of GURU.
AR REHMAN made it with a great care with tight script and soothing music.
An Excellent act by Abhisek who looks like young Sr. Ambani.
This movie is a lesson for our young generation who are only thinking work for others(Pvt. Or Public sector), that now its time to DEAM bigger and recognize your own strength.
Over all a class movie with nice music, excellent scrip and superb performance.