Recently the name was changed to Lokapriya Gopinath Bardoloi International Airport, though the locals still call it Borjhar. This airport has undergone a major renovation recently-work was still in progress when we visited it in March 2005.
The building is nice and shining-and why not, when it functions as the gateway to the entire Northeast.
It is served by all the major airlines down to Air Deccan. There are several flights daily to Kolkata and Delhi, besides most of the airports in the Northeast. There is even an IA flight to Bangkok twice a week.
A little known fact is that there are helicopter services from here operated by Pavan Hans on behalf of various state governments. For instance, there are two flights a day to Shillong and other helicopter services to various places in Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. However, the safety record of these helicopters is pretty bad (not surprising because of the difficult terrain and weather)
The airport is over 20 km SW of the Guwahati centre. However, prepaid taxis are available in abundance, not to mention autos. One can get long-distance taxis to Shillong and other faraway places. There is believed to be one bus a day to and from the city centre run by a travel agency.
Facilities seem to be adequate though I did not try out the restaurant. Security is tight with a body search as you enter the terminal building. This seems justified as it is after all a disturbed area. A few days after we passed through there, someone exploded a bomb there (fortunately without casualties)