Got a chance to step out on a Sunday evening with a couple friends who I had not gone drinking in ages. We had heard that GI has got a makeover and decided to check it out. The first shock, they actually had a cover charge! 300 rupees a head. Like HELL we were going to pay that. We told him we were going to pay only for 2 ppl. The door man readily agreed. Whats with the cover charge anyway? It is more of a fashion statement to charge people cover.
Anyways, stepped in, were pleasantly surprised to see the bar on the far corner. The place was surely "airy". Basic interiors, and the place is alos bigger than before. There is an extension with more tables and chairs. I was thinking that it being a Sunday evening, things were a little slow.
The crowd was the SAME. No different from when we used hang out during our college days(quite some time ago that was!) I could not believe there were many familiar faces. Whats worse the music he played was from the same CD. For crying out loud he could get some new CDs! Or at the least change the order of the songs. My friend and I could tell whcih group was playing next. We got everything right except Def Lepard.
The food still is so-so. Dont try anything other than chicken sandwich. The beer is better than Pecos, but who went to Pecos for the beer?!