The concept of this game is very poor, just play simple games and make money or win prize. if we talk about the concept of this game, you found its bad concept who is running in all social media nowadays.
this app is userfriendly but totally time-wasting for every user because this app concept who is making money by just playing simple games. but its every people know that there is nothing to any shortcut of making money, its very hard for everyone. so I request to the developer please do not say to everyone, just play a simple game and earn money. by playing this game you dont get any satisfaction. because of this game, you dont earn any money by playing the game so why do you think you will get any satisfaction by playing this game on hago.
the time is more valuable than money, and when you lose your time in playing the game on hago, then how its game useful for you? please dont use hago, because you will lose your time in this.