I expected a lot from our new Haier HRF 368 E refrigerator, but feel very let down I had read the reviews and had convinced myself that this was a good buy. The refrigerator looked good and the bottom freezer made sense.
On purchae, the technician kept the cooling level at 5, without telling me that it was to be lowered later. To my dismay, I found icicles in the main compartments and the freezer compartment could not even be opened with the frost.
I remember asking the dealer and being told that it was FROST FREE, so where was all this frost coming from.
The techician came after two days and I was lectured on the new technology used
in these regrigerators. The fan had been eliminated to increase cooling and reduce wasteful comsumption of electricuty. I was asked to keep the coliong level at 1, but I find the frosting is still very much there, though to tolerablec levels.
I find my Insulin syringe totally wet thugh kep in the egg rack ! In my good old 180 litre Videocon, this used to remain cool and dry.
Most food stuff has to kept covered or they turn soggy.
I keep consoling myself its over reaction on my part but I cant fool myself any more. I think I have a bum product. It definitely is good looking, spacious, well styled, but its ISNT FROST FREE. Do I have a faulty unit or are all these models built to displease ? The techicians I feel, are as clueless as I am.