Before washing, brush your hair with your head upside down to remove dust and impurities. The temperature should be comfortable. The idea that the hotter the water, the cleaner the hair is a misconception, because water that is too hot can burn your scalp and damage your hair. Avoid a powerful shower which can cause your hair to tangle. It is important to pre-rinse your hair before you apply shampoo. Your hair needs a good soaking of at least 1 minute to create a good lather when you shampoo.
Once your hair is thoroughly wet, pour the shampoo from the bottle into the palm of your hand and rub your hands together. Do not apply shampoo directly to your hair because it might saturate on one spot and you may end up using two to three times more than you actually need. Gently smooth the shampoo over your hair with your palms and let it lather. Now massage in the shampoo gently, with your fingertips. Don’t use your fingernails - they could scratch your scalp. When you shampoo, don’t pile all your hair on the top and rub it about. This will lead to tangling. Instead, run your fingers gently through it, front to back, allowing your hair to fall back over your neck. Rinse your hair thoroughly until the last trace of shampoo is gone and your hair is squeaky clean.
If you wash your hair every day, you will need a small amount of shampoo and just one wash. But if you don’t wash your hair daily, have two washings.