Youll probably think advice on this subject, coming from someone living where there is no winter, down in Florida, is rather foolish. But, I have lived in New York and in Texas where there is plenty of winter!
Let me begin by saying, that in the winter, when it tends to be cold and dry, your hair need a lot of TLC!
You have to begin by using a good moisturising shampoo and conditioner, every other day. Do not shampoo every day because that tends to dry hair out even faster. I recommend using Pantene shampoo and conditioner for dry(color treated) hair.
Wash your hair with tepid water, never hot water. Hot water also tends to dry hair out.
I also recommend using a daily, comb through hair treatment, such as infusium. Put some in a spray bottle, (1/2 water, 1/2 infusium.) Spray it on before combing in the morning and that too should help seal moisture in.
Once a week I recommend using a hot oil treatment. You know the kind. Work the oil into your hair, leave it in for 5-10 minutes and then rinse. For this I recommend using VO5 hot oil treatment.
A few other good tips for your hair are, never use a hairbrush on wet hair. A hairbrush stretches, pulls and breaks your hair. Us a wide tooth comb. Also, if you dont have to, do not use a hair dryer! Need I tell you what that does? But, if you must use it, use it on the coolest setting possible, to avoid overdrying.
I hope these tips helped you, cause they really used to help me. =)