I like all haldirams product .this is very best snacks company in india and all over products quality is really very good Recently haldirams launched , haldirams diet chiwda.this product is very good to who is doing diet . Over all this very good product of haldirams very nice paking of this haldirams chiwda. This product is aslo usefull to weight loss , deibetes , and colestreol contoll so this is very good product of haldirams . Haldirams spred in all over world in india and other country. Haldirams chiwda prize in 105 rs .and flavour of this chiwda is namkin this is very testy flavour and very crunchi.
If anyone tring to this eating I this anyone can not stop eating so this is the qaulity of haldiram chiwda.and this specailay create to diet if anyone can doing wieght loss so recamend to try this haldiram chiwda this is cantent 0% fat so this is very usefull product to all