Half girlfriend is written by Chetan Bhagat. Chetan Bhagat is one of the most popular writer of India. all his success realistic and convincing that no one get bored of reading those. Another great novel of popular Chetan Bhagat is the half girlfriend. In this book the main character is a boy who is from a community where they are living a simple life. And he for his future higher studies come to a very big college where he first show the girl whom he fell in love with she was a very beautiful and great one she was very modern and about half of the college is where in love with her she was very beautiful. he fought a lot to get her attention and at last he did as he was a very good basketball player he won her attention by his play.
After when they become very good friends he at last said that he had in his mind for her and at first she was really surprised about that afterwards she said she didnt feel anything like that for him.but she also said she can be his half girlfriend. it means she is not his girlfriend but she is more than a best friend. His friends were very surprised by hearing that the girls said he is his half girlfriend they were not at all agreeing with this thing. They said she might be playing with him and dont get into her trap. after whenever she went to her house for some party or anything he felt himself very low as he was from a high standard family. but she never felt anything like that he was always very good with him. Because of his insult in her family I decided not to meet her and go away from her afterwards he become a very famous personality in his locality as he took overthe school which was run by his mother and he did a many social works and he was really appreciated by many. Afterwards heroine meet him at a place where they remember the old days. they were very happy about that . She felt very much happy about his achievements. Then after when he saw a gift that he gave her when they were studying together. That made him realise that she still love him. and she really wanted to marry him and stay with her for the rest of her life, but his mother didnt wanted so. so how is mother ask her to leave her son for ever and dont get back to him. But the Destiny made the meet again. And when he realise that what happened at that time made him come to her and after we had a beautiful ending. this is a short review on this book half girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat. I wish you also the read this book you will never been disappointed from this book this is a great one.