Recent novel written by Chetan bhagat isHalf girlfriend and the name of the author is a brand in itself.
One simply cannot resist themselves to read his novels. He writes in such a way that todays youth findthem somewhere, somehow related to book.
The plot of novel is very brilliant as most of the youngesters will relate themselves easily throughthis story as it is plotted in College of DU.So a love story of a boy who came from Bihar to pursue his education and falls for Riya somani,
her collegemate.But Riya is not sure about him.This turn proves to be the beginning of the interestingstory of them.At every instance of the novel you will feel romantic and clueless too to predict the next moveof author.His writing style will glue you to his book till the end.
This is the probably best novel by him as it contains Drama, romance, suspense altogether providingextra beauty to this novel, which his other novels are not able to do so in much effective way.A worth reding novel with a message that take your decisions with your heart but use your mind along.