The first novel I read was of Chetan Bhagat, never a fan of his writing but I always appreciated how easy his novels are for reading purpose(not a fan of keeping dictionary right next to me:P). I havent read much novels but I have read enough to make sure Im capable of passing judgement on this book.Im not gonna talk this novel made for Bollywood because I dont know if audience would like to see the protagonist lusting over female lead for the whole course of movie
This books offer nothing new or I should say it offers nothing . For once I was proved almost wrong, a few pages left and no intimate scene occurred that too in Chetan Bhagat novel! But he never disappoints in that sense finally it happens. This book is by far is worst work & Ive read 3 mistakes of my life. If you are first time reader you might like authors writing style but as you read more you wishes he had inserted a few interesting words instead of words he chose.If youre not a firs time reader, I suggest you pass this to avoid regret .Its not worth you time & money.