Half Girlfriend movie I am watch yesterday. Really it is a very heart touching movie it a story of true love. In this movie girl is very smart and rich but boys is very simple and belong to middle class family. Girl live with royal style but boy from a small village. He can not know anything about rich familys. He goes to a university to study but his English is very weak. He can not able to talk to anyone in English. So, he feel that this place no suitable for himself he feel insult because everyone in this university speak in English. He ready to go back. But when he going back he saw his half girlfriend.
One think is good about boys he play basketball and he is a good player. And girl also a player of basket ball then on ground they are meet first time. They talk to each other then he decide that he can not go back. He spend few days in college with his half girlfriend. Main story of this movie is start now. Next part of movie is too good. This movie contain good songs. The performance of all actor of movie is also too good.
If you are take interest to watching movie than you must watch this movie.