We visited Hampi with my own car (of west Bengal Registration) on Rajyotsabha week-end (30Oct to 02Nov-2010). The visit was marvelous, but one incident happened at the last moment spoiled our take of Hampi.
Around 10 oclock we were ready to be back for Bangalore and we prepared ourselves near our car. I myself was driving all the way from Bangalore and back. Before getting started, I cleaned my car all around and at that moment everything looked good. I came back to the front seat and the moment the vehicle started rolling wheels, I realized something very large is under my car. My friend heard a some noise, leaned out of front-left window and saw a "Cow" is trying to come out off. We all with a huge astonishment immediately stopped the car and asked the people near by to help. Immediately we felt the area became hot and all of these people are against us. We found that the cow was not only completely under my car, but also one of its back legs got rolled in the front wheel rod.
By the shocking effect of this situation, we were little bit perplexed in that moment. Finally some villagers took the cow to a near by Veterinary doctor along with us and doctor put some very minimum bandage. The cow had only a leg broken (other than a few very small injuries) and after the treatment it was somehow able to stand also.
Now the next scene began. Doctor first asked Rs500 for his treatment. Auto driver asked his part as Rs300. A "mastan" villager arrived that place and began to bargain with us for the compensation amount. Finally it was settled to Rs4000.
So, now lets analyze the incident. The car was TATA Indica.
Point 1, an almost adult cow can never enter under this car, unless it was dragged forcefully.
Point 2, lets assume some little children has done that. But how its possible that none of its legs/head/tail was appearing outside. The job was done so neatly that it must be done intensionally and by some miscreants only. Their intension can also be assumed spot on - extract money.
Point 3, why after the incident the owner didnt come to the spot whereas we were told later that the owner, that very moment, was in Hampi only and Hampi is not a very big area. And on top of that why someone else fixed up the amount instead of the owner him/herself. So it means either the owner has lesser interest, or one of these people is very dominant so that none has any voice (this dominant people can do anything in the village), or one of these bargainers is the owner of the cow.
So we came to the conclusion (and also words of caution for others)
1) If you are from outside Karnataka, better be extra careful.
2) If you are visiting Hampi without car also, be careful of getting caught by these miscreants
3) If you are visiting with car and specially car with outside registration, plan to stay in some hotels having their own parking (in Hospet or Hampi or Kamalpura), or if you stay in some of the Guest House accommodations in Hampi, make sure you dont park your vehicle in the parking lot (in the main ground). Some Guest House owners allow to bring the cars inside the gullys. Or in case you have to park it there, be very very careful. Specially check everywhere when you park as well as before you leave.
I shouldnt discourage anyone to visit Hampi. Because its a worth visiting place and has huge number of monuments and temples with very high historical / architectural / artistic values. But be extra careful, so that you may not face the same misfortune, we had to.
Enjoy and take care.