Depression may be one of the most powerful problems eating the brains of the common people. It is supposed to start its attack on your brain at any time, any day without any warning - it doesnt even leave the Sundays and public holidays as it is not only due to problems in work and studies, but each and every daily activity can lead to depression if a problem is encountered.
Depression is the darkness that hides victory from you! It destroys your self-confidence completely! Every mistake you made may come into your mind at the same time. You will think that something would have been far better if you did it in another way. All the bad things that the others had done and said about you may come to haunt you.
Just turn around and what will you see? The past will be dancing in front of you with a wicked smile, with a hidden satisfaction that you have bowed before the force of the mighty devil called depression. It is always better to turn your back on them!
CASE 1:-
You have just recieved your progress report. You have got one mark less than distinction. Remember that topic which you avoided in the last moment. If you havent spend the whole day, sitting at the balcony with the book, looking at the girl on the other balcony! That topic which carried twenty marks would have got you in the ninetees!
This is the one situation that could turn you around. You can now decide to concentrate on the studies from now on, or you can simply sit at the balcony again, but this time, not looking anywhere, but in a very high state of depression and sentiments.
CASE 2:-
Its time for sports and you had been playing really well, until you get it all wrong for one single moment and the game is taken away from you. You will be cursing that moment when you played the wrong shot, bowled the wrong ball or failed to stop a shot. You are a goal keeper and you managed to deflect an outgoing shot into the post - thats going to be very disgusting.
You are playing badminton and you are trying hard to save the match when you tried to play a risky shot which managed to hit nothing, but you partner who is extremely angry at you after the loss. Well, the games are said to be good for not only the mind and the body, but it need to be taken lightly or you can still be depressed.
CASE 3:-
You are wandering all around the badminton court with a high level itching to play. You find a girl passing by and you said hi! After exactly twenty two steps, you think that you should have called her to play. You want very badly to eat one pizza and after wandering all around the hotel, just before you open your mouth to order it, the stupid fellow sitting next to you orders one, and that happens to be the last one.
Well, that is not that much high a problem, but it certainly is a case of late action - it may be just enough for some people to lose their cool. May be depression doesnt need any small or large problems, it just keeps coming. Dont worry, most of the humans are blessed with lots of reasons for depression!
Depression can lead to an amount of inflammability ie anger which means that you will have a better chance to burn without fire. You may also lose interest in food and drinks or even sleep(and I am not talking about love - raaton mein neend nahi aate hai) and you will be found thinking like never before, even without any fumes coming from your head. It better wont get worse and lessen the interest in life!
Depression can be due to the problems with friends, relatives or family members or even those whom you dont know. It is often dependent on what kind of mood you are currently in. It always adviced to keep your own mood high as you do something of your interests.
Depression is often caused when you think about what the others will think about you. Thats just ridiculous. It is not others who decide what we do and what we are going to do. We should build up our own lives and only if you have the complete control over yourselves, you can be the one you want yourself to be! You should never let yourself down - keep the spirits high!
It may be a very poor decision to keep thinking about those stupidic actions and words you have produced as it is something that cannot be changed. It is the present that you can change and it is the future that you can plan. The past lies behind you and the future is straight ahead of you.
It will be a good idea to think about the love and support you have recieved and is still recieving from all your friends and relatives. Just stop thinking about the ones whom deserted you. Those who have turned you down are not the only ones on the surface of the earth. There will be some support for you and if you can sense them.
It is good to keep the mind free by meditation(which may still be impossible) or with the direct contact with the God himself. You can always spare some time for him as you visit, temples, churches or mosques. As he has got time for each and everyone, you need not worry.
It is all about the will for not giving up. Its all about keeping on trying. Even if you are alone, the desire to win will drive you on the way to victory. Only then will you have victory even in defeat. The ability to learn from the mistakes and redeeming them is the best way to handle the depression you face.
My latest innovation was to hear some sentimental music when I get depressed. But these days, I am putting some highly explosive music at high volume so that the neighbours can share some depression with me. But it was only later that I realised that my neighbours have got better music systems which made me stop thishigh volume trick!