When you are in Depression you experience most of the things as given below
Anxiety, Panic, Hopeless, Negative Thoughts, Hallucination and thinking of Suicide or Death(if you are in too much depression)
If you see, the root cause for all is Negative thoughts. We human beings tend to think in both ways positive and negative at certain circumstances. Sometimes we expect things to happen our way, if it happens we think positive otherwise we think negative. Take one more example, somebody asks you to choose one in the given two options. If the option selected by you goes bad you think negative and scold yourself ‘How Idiot I am?’. Actually there are many ways to think at this situation 1.I am not responsible for the option as it’s not under my control. 2)I might have thought well before taking decision 3)I have learnt a lesson 4)I did a blunder mistake 5)How a idiot I am, even I am unable to select a single option. How I am going to survive?. Here point 1 to 3 shows positive thoughts. And remaining shows the negative thoughts. So our attitude defines the way how we look at the situation.
So, when you get Negative thoughts your confident level goes down. And when you keep on developing negative thoughts it tends to hopeless and followed by anxiety, panic about your future or situations. Since you get all these you restrict yourself in to small round area and keep rotating in this world. Since you lost exposure to outside world you develop hallucination by imagining something in your mind. At last you feel like you are in Hell and want to die.
Ways of run Depression away from your life
If you are in too much depression, always thinking about suicide, death then You need to consult a good physcoriat. People hesitate to go to psychiatrist, especially depressed person, because they think that they will lose their social values if somebody came to know. See Depression is a disease or illness, like some other disease, it’s nothing that once you go to psychiatrist you will be seen as a ‘mental disorder guy’ in public. I also felt like that initially, When I go and see the psychiatrist, I see lot of guys sitting there with depression more than me. I take it positive way as there are people suffering from this more than me, I said myself I can come out very easily. And I saw there were also some business executives sitting there, even though they are not seems to be depressive, I heard after that they came there for stress management. So Take it positively going to psychiatrist as depression is related to mental and physical health. If your depressive rate is high you might need to be hospitalized else they prescribe some tablets. Even though tablets help you to reduce the stress and tends you to have a good sleep but ultimately it’s in your mind to overcome depression, as your body behaves according to your mind. So follow the next steps once you relax yourself by taking medicines.
Once you get relaxed from anxiety, panic and sleepless nights, still you will feel you are able to do nothing since you have negative attitude still left. Change this to positive attitude by doing some mind exercises.
When ever you go to bed get relaxed and say yourself ‘I improved today, I will improve more tomorrow’. When ever you get up from the bed, Say ‘I want to think positive, I have a confident to achieve this’. Say it about 10 to 20 times till you get confidence. And whenever you get negative thoughts in your mind say ‘’No’ to it. Also you can follow some meditation or yoga techniques.
If you have depression during office days(where you supposed to go to office) never take a leave and sit at home idle, Try to go to work. First day you will be in panic having questions in your mind ‘ how do I go to office?’ . ‘ And how do I face people and will I be able to concentrate on my work? ‘ Like that. Never mind this, prepare yourself by having smile in your face, dress well yourself and go to office. You might feel inconvenient or nervousness when you see people. Never mind and put a smile and say hello to them. Answer them for their questions politely.(Even you get tensed, don’t worry). Keep doing this when ever you need to face the people you know. Some people might ask questions which might hurt you. It may be because the way you have taken their question(or) some people intensely tries to hurt you. Be calm in these situations and say it in your mind ‘I will deal it later, I forgot this event now’. Since it’s a first day don’t take full responsibility of work, Seek your dear friend’s help in this to share your work. Start concentrating on work(even) if you are not able to concentrate or complete your work don’t worry. Even If you are able to do a very little work, It shows you are improved someway as Tamil proverb says ‘something is better than nothing’. From Next day onwards start doing little more work than previous day, and you will get confidence that you are able to do things.
If you are In Holidays /vocation: Never sit at home idle. I prefer visiting some parks or places rather than sitting and watching TV. Because when you travel you get a chance to forget about your bad experience and you get exposure to outside world. There you see a lot of people who are below your life conditions, still they are able to be happy why not you?. And I prefer visiting to church often(two days once, if you have faith in god) you can goto temple or masq which ever religion you belongs to, just sit calm and pray to god ‘God, Thanks for good creature of myself and for good life given, as there are many people in the world one or other way suffering from some disease(or) they are created as a handicapped. Please help me to boost my confidence!(say it three times).
Few more suggestions
During Depression
Don’t explore too much about depression articles in books/internet, As you may get unnecessary panic about it’s impacts. You may go through the ways of eliminating depression very well even that itself limit to one or two as you may get confused selecting which approach to follow.
As for long you can, try to keep your mind busy occupying you in some extra curricular activities like playing games(physical games better than playing pc games), learning music, Doing art, gardening and visiting your favorite park, movies…etc.
If you are introvert person(shy guy) as these kind of people get stress quite often by developing inferiority complex thinking thatthey are not like others(extroverts). Try to be as you are, Don’t try to change yourself to extrovert. Instead try to concentrate on extra curricular activities which you like. Because it’s your nature and you need not change yourself to other’s personality. Since I am a shy guy I tell one more thing, It’s nothing like introvert person cannot achieve anything in their life because they don’t have social contacts. There are many shyer personalities who achieved more than extrovert people. As per my knowledge, Introvert persons are more talented than extroverts, and Keep a goal in your mind work towards it. Instead of you search for opportunity, people will start searching for you one day.
I have consolidated these by exploring more topics on Depression and the way I come out from it. It works well for me.