Hang-Over what a neat word most of the time it means your HANGING OVER the toilet puking your guts out . and nothing is worse than dry heaves OMG what could be worse. but alas the minster has the answer to all your problems.
Hangovers are caused from de-hydration so the key to staying hydrated is to drink plenty of fluids. Ever notice the more you drink the more you Pee? the more you pee the more fluids you loose . this is what gives you one hell of a headache in the AM. I have found that no matter what im drinking if I drink a small glass of water in-between each drink and take a tylenol before I go to bed th hang over blus are gone .
and if you do manage to drink yourself silly and actually get sick you can avoid the dry heaves because the water gives you something to throw up and thats a whole lot less painful than throwing up AIR . usually a cold wash clothe on your neck helps a lil too . but still take your asprin or tylenol before bed and the hang over monster will leave you be
The Minister