Walk by the lake next to your house in a shady evening by the mangrove as you smell the air and breathe the incense of the sweet smelling flowers and the fresh leaves brushing in the wind. All the while you witness the sun setting down in the arms of the colored clouds with the orange-red-purple twilight spread across beyond the hills. The lush valley at its feet so very welcoming as it were to say just stay a little longer”. You wonder at the mystique.
You smile at the pleasantness mesmerized by the beauty of it all. You are so caught up in it that you fail to see the drizzle that follows the wind and as it falls on your face, you look up at the skies only to catch few in your eyes. You seize to smile and wonder as you open your palm for the droplets to settle in within the creases. The perfumed mud, the grass dew, the swaying lily by the lake, the innocent chatter of the birds culminates to the shower that washes everyone and shatters their presence by the mere power of its fall. The weeping heaven lets down its fury with the raging wind by its side. Slowly it washes away the grime and the dirt and all you see is crystals of light falling at unsteady pace lighter at times and suddenly its intensity increases as it weeps harder and lets go of all inhibitions. You stay put dumbfounded by its dramatic presentation. Slowly the tears seize to belittle you. The heavens clamor is replaced by a slow sob.
The ground is now light green with the leaves sparking freshness all around, the flowers glisten and dance with joy and the deafening fall is replaced by the tiny chirping and slight drizzle and the sky clear to show the sun in its final view, let up by the colors that dive in and out of its back and front displaying its arrogance. What serendipity? What would you say if you were born deaf and blind and this was the only view you had witnessed.