I almost missed viewing this movie, as I was told that it was not up to the mark.But one of my friends had a spare ticket and I was invited.(thankyou rama)I took a chance and lo I was amply rewarded.First let me congratulate Sekhar Kammula for creating such an entertaining movie.The very essence of student life was shown to everyones benefit in this movie .I think people would agree with me when I mention that parents would really grasp as to what is happening in todays college campuses.
A bunch of freshers enters the college very timidly with zero self confidence and breezes through a multitude of constructive experiences .They convert every experience to their benifit(like the real life youth of today)and passes out of the college with flying colours.I dont want to spoil your fun by narrating the story here.As the mother of one excellent son who was just out of his teens, I can tell you one thing.I used to feel sorry that I could not share his college days with him.But thanks to mr sekhar for making me realise my dream through his movie.I dont know much obout technicalities of film making, but I can say that music is quite melodious, cinematography is good and over and above all the screenplay is brilliant.
As a director mr sekhar squeezed out the best from every actor.Last but not the least Kamalini Mukharjees cameo role was tastefully carved.And once again congaratulations to the hat trick director and I wish him all the best for his next venture.