We reached Harihareshwar around sunset, and stayed at MTDC Beach Resort, which is very close to the Harihareshwar beach. The resort issurrounded by hills on all four sides and has a thick green cover, combining scenic drama and quaint charm. Unlike commercial hotels, theresort has an intimate and private feel to it. We got a beautifulKonkani styled cottage facing the sea, with a small balcony to enjoythe view. The cottage was minimalist in design and wooden furnishing.The unspoilt, virgin beach had a handful of people strolling. Infact the beach is so secluded that people can pitch a tent as well onthe shore and camp in the night. The white sand and turquoise greenwater was just spectacular. We spent hours on the beach, in the water, collecting shells, making clay castles, and enjoying the lovelyatmosphere that surrounded us. The beach also had a section filled withpine trees, making it a picture perfect destination. We instantly fellin love with that place, so much so that we were disappointed to leavein two days.
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