Look I know many ppl wont be very happy after reading this but I seriously consider the harry potter series to be too fantastic for a person like me to read the whole thing.........I personally believe in non fictions which are more close to the gross reality of this world.
It may sound too blunt, but definitely harry potter for me was not a piece of satisfying literature.The character of hermione.......she is a girl with a lot of confidence and a persona that acts to her benefit. She is intelligent and logical. Harry is an honest guy. Well characters individually are well etched out.......but somehow the imagination of j.k rowling is just out of my comprehension......invisiblity cloaks.......flying cars..........I mean the words......in this age of science n research even the impossible is possible but its just too irrational 4 me to believe .
I may sound too critical but thats a fact.......the popularity of this book is probably because of its hype........I dont doubt the writing skills of the author....she definitely has the skill of writing.......her writing is very vivid but basic concept does not click with me........I hope to read something more substantial and believable.......plz cater to the taste of ppl like us Rowling.