The 7th edition of Harry Potter is better than the last one, which just introduces a new concept of horcruxes, and suddenly the film ended. This time David Yates improved, but take it too long, and made the movies pace slow. There was no need to break the movie into two parts, just one part of 3.5 hrs duration will do. But still if youre a Harry Potter movie lover, and didnt missed any of its part in theatres (like me), go and have a watch this one too, for this will bring you closer to the battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.
The plot of the movie is as follows - Harry need to search all the Horcruxes (the magical element which contains the soul of Lord Voldemort) and have to destroy them, as only that will led to the the death of the historys darkest villian Lord Voldemort (He who must not be named). And in the journey he was supported by Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. This movie comes closer and led to the destruction of one more Horcrux i.e. Salazar Slytherines Locket.
Now, let us see one by one, why this movie will be watched - First and foremost reason was that its a treat for Harry Potter lovers, and if theyve watched earlier editions, then it should not be missed for sure. More Magic, more darker and more actions between the good and the evil forces. The scenes of Voldemorts black army fighting with Order of Phoenix are great in every aspect and a wonderful magical special effects continued, as was provided in earlier editions. Then you get a lot of Daniel Redcliffe and Emma Watson, as the theme is centralized on them. Theyre running here and there, saving themselves from the bad forces and yet trying to find Horcruxes. But Rupert Grint looked more mature in the acting department as compared to Dan or Emma. The scenes of finding the locket in the Ministry of Magic building by changing themselves into ministers form are hilarious and nice ones. The mystery unlocked scene by scene, and more and more interesting hidden facts came into the picture. The movie deals with more secrets about late Professor Albus Dumbledore, and the scenes where all 3 went to Albuss village and intriguing the secrets are spellbounding. Great story J.K.Rowling mam! Cinematography was wonderful as usual (Eduardo Serra).
But yes, there are many negatives too attached with the film, first and foremost is the lack of pace and the lack of background score. Editing is not upto the mark (Mark Day). Many scenes can be cut short and hence two parts can be adjusted in just one. There is not much background score either, which make the film boring to a bit (Alexandre Desplat, Conrad Pope, John Williams). This time the movie concentrated more on the love and triangle kind of mentality. Ron likes Hermione, and doubted about her and Harrys relationship, and it was elongated much far (like Indian love traiangles!). He even left them in between of the journey. This whole concept looks quite similar to the Lord of The Rings trilogy, since they are sharing the locket, wearing it by turns, and which is making them angry and disturbed, just like Frodo Baggins story of Lord of the Rings fame. I cant say whether its inspired or not, since that story was written long back. Here the characters are not used to their potentials, everybody just came and went, just like that, nothing much for Severus Snape, the Malfoys or the Weasleys. And in the end its the turn of Dobby, the elf (voice by Toby Jones) who saved them from a magical prison and lost his life, hence become the martyr of this edition.
This movie is certainly watchable for once, but yes I must say that last 3 editions (5, 6 and 7) doesnt have that charm which earlier versions have. I must say that choosing David Yates as director (He who directed the 5th 6th and this one) was the wrong decision for Harry Potter producers. Rest directors did well, specially Chris Columbus (1st and 2nd) and Alfonso Cuaron (3rd). The 4rth was also a nice part, directed by Mike Newell. So, watch it if you havent watched it yet...