Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ? the fourth book from JK Rowling.
A strange dream visualized the scar hurting, which is that snake, who is this mysterious person whom Harry sees in his dream. Why is the scar hurting so much? Can he talk about the pain to Uncle, Aunt or send a post to Sirius. What will be Ron?s and Hermione?s response? What should Harry do to reduce the pain? Is the pain real or imaginary? This is the magic behind the fourth Potter Mania.
The novel starts with Harry again spending his holidays with his uncle, aunt and cousin. This time, Harry is treated much better at home for the presence of a God Father is made known to all at home. So atleast his primary possessions are not hidden away in the cupboard under the stairs for the fact being that his God Father is innocent and not a murderer is very conveniently forgotten to be told to his uncle by Harry.
Harry spends most of the time at his room for the very presence of him now brings shudders to all at home ? his uncle, aunt, cousin. Cousin Dudley is at home too for the holidays and is now on a diet plan to get rid of his fat which means all of them have to eat the same food as Dudley and no tempting food for any of the members especially Harry. But Harry has a huge stock of food stored in his room sent by all friends when he sent out the SOS about the new diet rules being followed at his home.
To stay away, and in peace, Harry keeps to himself. But is very annoyed for all his friends have become silent suddenly and there is no letter or owl post from any of them. He sends letter once in a while to his God Father Sirius Black. Harry now feels that the world is not so bad after all, for he now has somebody who cares for him ? his God Father Sirius Black.
The fun starts at Privet Drive when a letter from the Weasely arrives by ordinary or muggle post with stamps covering the entire letter with just space left to show the address. The letter is actually an invitation to invite Harry for the Quidditch World Cup, where there are a number of nations playing against each other.
Harry?s uncle Dursley as usual loves to see Harry whimper and plead with him to allow him to go to the match, but Harry now leaves no opportunity in reminding him about his murderous God Father. The permission is given and the reply sent back by owl post much to the relief of all.
But how is Harry going to be picked up? This is the question in all members of the Dursley household. Uncle takes great pride in dressing up for the occasion so that the visiting Weasely family can be put to shame and the fact that Aunt Petunia keeps looking out of the windows to see that no neighbors see the guests to her house.
The problem is solved by itself when the Weasely?s arrive by the Floo Network. What?s Floo Network ? it?s a way by which wizard?s can travel by interconnecting the fireplaces at homes. The Dursely?s fireplace is blocked as they use a electric heater and there is total chaos when the Weasely gang along the naughty twins Fred and George arrive. They are very much awed by Harry and to take a look around make sure that they volunteer to get Harry?s trunk and his things. While getting Harry?s things, a glance at the famous cousin Dudley makes them to play a joke where they drop a toffee on the ground. Greedy Dudley, unable to resist picks up the toffee and all the trouble starts when his tongue starts growing and growing.
The father of the Weasely?s Auther tries to put things right, but is totally held of by Uncle Dursely who thinks the wizarding world in nothing, but a set of jokers who are present only to cause trouble.
All left behind and now Harry goes away to the Burrow- the Weasely home where he is warmly welcomed.
This year Ron?s elder brother Percy has begun work at the ministry and the entire of people try and avoid him so that they do not have to hear about the Cauldron?s report.
The day of the world cup finally arrives and Harry and Gang have a great time watching all the superstars and cheering for them. At the end of the world cup, the dark mark is seen on the sky and all the wizards are worried as to whether it?s the return of the Lord of the Dark or the One- who-must-not-be-named.
At this point, the story starts with how the Dark Lord returns.
The book continues to entertain the readers to more of Potter magic with the main ingredients being the World Cup and the Tri -wizarding Event held at Hogwarts with participants from different wizarding schools coming to Hogwarts.
Who put Harry?s name in the Goblet and make him the fourth participant. Who is the person who scandalizes Harry and his friends? How to handle Percy and his boring speeches about Cauldrons and the horrible Rita- the reporter who takes pleasure in ruining people?s lives. Who is the real Professor Moody? How Harry contacts his God Father Sirius who is in hiding? The Hogsmade village treats and fun! Is it the return of the Dark Lord? What is the secret held by Dobby and Winky? Will Harry win the cup? Will this be the end of Harry Ron friendship? Why is Ron jealous? Is Hermione Harry?s girlfriend? Who is this person who wants Harry dead? How did the cup become a port-key?
Get set to read the magic and the breath-taking competitions unfurling in the fourth Harry Potter novel and share the pain and joy of Harry Potter and gang.
Happy Reading folks??????!!!!!