"Fleur Delacour!" yelled Dumbledore... applause!"Viktor Krum!" ........... more applause!"Cedric Diggory! " ............ deafening applause!! and then...... the goblet went a dazzling red for an unprecedented one more time, as the stunned faculty of Hogwarts looked on, along with the hundredsof students! it, for some unbelieveable reason shot out a 4th name!and hey, no prizes for guessing whose name it was! HP, of course! 4. Harry Potter? whispered a shocked Albus Dumbledore, in theCommon Room at Hogwarts...... well, the silence was such that u couldhere a pin, nay, a hair fall!! :P anyways, thats not how it started.... started with He-who-must-not-be-nameds beloved snake and their dialogue in the deserted Riddle house and the murder of the caretaker, just like in the book.... had the Quidditch World Cup too, sans the match, tho.... but still u wish u had such a stadium!!! well, Newell, who made the movie, sure did change a few things here and there....also, the fact that the book was near 400 pages long, it was butobvious some subplots had to be edited, otherwise it would have been amarathon 10+ hr film!! wont say much regarding what all is shown and what changes are made and all.... but, gotta give a salute to the Casting directors and the make up artists..... Moodys perfect! (tho with an artificial eye {mightve come in handy during exams and all to us!!})Tom Riddle a.k.a. Lord Voldemort is very villiany looking... scary and real, very real! as for the trio, well, Daniels looking good in his extra-ruffledhair, Emmas looking absolutely gorgeous, Rupert, well, hes the sameold Weasley with long hair! Madame Maxim is tall. Period. :D the tournament, the 3 tasks, the graveyard scene, the Duel scene have been shot superbly!! the special effects - heavy and fabulous! the acting - rocks! soundtrack - pretty cool! direction - nice (drastic cuts, u feel, if uve read the book...but hey, then thats the limitation of adapting it to movie format, aintit?) all in all.... the best of the 4 so far!! and thats yodho signing off for the night (praying the cast doesntchange for the 7 movies)..... hope u guys have a ball watching it.... go and watch it.... dont miss it.....
"We are all facing dark and difficult times.... Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should ever come when uhave tomake a choice between what is right, and what is easy, remember whathappened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayedacross the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory" - Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary--