Well. Harry Potter and the Half Blood prince. Before actually doing any reviewing, let me high five Rowling - the woman knows how to make money. Unlike the other books, this one actually irritates you rather than just leaving you with the feeling that youve been had. The books opens with Rowlings effort to show the convergence of the real world with the wizarding world - probably something to do with the fact that shes made a million bucks and her dreams are coming true. Then it goes on to Harry at school and a whole load of stuff happening, I pity poor Draco - its not a best seller till a bad seed is sown.
The book reads like a Robert Jordan book, with unnecessary suspense - the prose has really slipped. Not the riveting style I was used to reading whenever I picked up a Potter book. The book read like a movie script, the vivid colors of her immense world of magic, its brutality and awe lost in a haze of movie rights. Damn. Theres a very soapy quality to everything - from little love triangles. The sub plot made me slightly nauseous. But in the end its about continuing the series. and yeah....raking in the dough.
To summarise - I shouldnt be reading a Harry Potter book at my age, but I wouldnt give this particular book to my kid sister.