Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was hugely awaited since the predecessor, Order of the Phoenix, hit the screens exactly two long years back. Like all other Potter films, The Half Blood Prince lives upto its expectations! Along with thrill and drama, it has a lovely dash of humour and teenaged romance which makes it an all-round entertainer.
The story of the movie: Strengthened by the return of Lord Voldermort, the Death Eaters wreck havoc in London and Hogwarts is no safer too.Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is about to begin his sixth year and Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) needs his help to in order to prepare for the fast approaching final battle. They visit an ex-potions teacher Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent) and persuade him to join Hogwarts. Slughorn agrees, although reluctantly and Harry gets a chance to meet his buddies, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermonie (Emma Watson). At this point of time, Harry realizes his feelings for Ron’s sister, Ginny (Bonnie Wright). In Hogwarts, during Slughorn’s class, Harry comes across an old copy, belonging to ‘Half Blood-Prince’. The footnotes and ideas written in the copy help Harry to excel in Potions, leading him to win a vial of the luck potion. On the other hand, Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) is suspected of becoming a Death Eater. Harry and Dumbledore are trying their best to find what exactly happened whenTom Riddle aka Voldermort askSlughorn about rare magic. To find out what happens later, watch the film!
I have read only the first part of Harry Potter but have seen all the six parts of the film. I found the cinematic adaptation of all the parts very interesting. But many, unlike me, who have read the book, have always been disappointed with the Potter films due to several changes made in the narrative. Same happens with The Half Blood Prince too. So, those who have read the book get ready to be a bit disappointed but nevertheless, the film will be enjoyed!
The film is darker than the rest of the Potter films and manages to fully engross the viewers from the first frame right till the end. The beginning scene, where Death Eaters wreck havoc in London and harm the Millennium Bridge was electrifying! Also, the funny moments in the film are far more enriched than its predecessors. The wonderful direction and a gripping screenplay turn this film into a terrific ride!
The climax didn’t have much fight and conflicts as other Potter films but it was interesting enough. The tragedy that occurs towards the end was well executed. However, the fight betweenPotter and Prof Snape could had been a bit long…it would have surely taken the film to a high!
As for the performances, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are as usual perfect in their respective roles. In every Potter film, they have immensely impressed and The Half Blood Prince is no exception! Keep up the great work, guys!
Michael Gambon shines in the role of Dumbledore. It is indeed sad that we would no longer get to see him in The Deathly Hallows. Tom Felton has an important role in the film and was in terrific form. Same can be said for Alan Rickman who plays Prof Snape. Helena Bonhom Carter as Bellatrix performed as per her character’s demand. Jessie Cave as Lavander was hilarious. Robbie Cultrane as Hagrid was as usual.
And finally, Jim Broadbent, the newest entrant in Potter films, gives an outstanding performance. He was extremely likeable and extremely impresses. Watch out for him!
Bruno Delbonnel’s cinematography was brilliant. The lensman wonderfully shows his capability in the first scene. Editing was slick. Like all Hollywood fantasy films, the special effects of The Half Blood Prince was out of the world to say the least! The use of light sepia at several points to suit the dark mood takes the film to great heights!
This is the first time that screenwriter Steve Kloves and director David Yates have come together and both succeed in coming up with a fine product.There are not much action packed scenes in this part but still it manages to keep the viewers on the edge of the seat at several points, notably during the climax.
Some of the best scenes of the film:
Death Eaters wrecking havoc in London
Harry meeting Slughorn for the first time
Harry, Ron and Hermonie at the joke shop
The scene inside the Hogwarts Express
Harry winning the luck potion
Dumbeldore and Slughorn’s flashback involving Tom Riddle
The Quidditch match
Harry spying on Snape and Draco
Dark forces attacking Burrow
Ron in a ‘love’ mood (funny and well treated scene!)
Harry and Malfoy’s dispute in the bathroom
Harry and Slughorn at Hagrid’s place
The last 15 minutes
On the whole, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is a great entertainer with some wonderful performances and execution.Although a little disappointing as compared to the book and lacks action scenes, it manages to keep one on the edge of the seat. It is a treat for Potter fans and all adolescent movie buffs!
(The newspapers and quite a few websites are filled with news as to how The Half Blood Prince took a phenomenal opening in India. This news is far from true. Hardly any shows are running housefull and tickets were easily available, as on Saturday July 18!)