If youve read my other reviews, youd know that Im a huge Harry Potter fan. I was on my tippy toes waiting for Order of the Phoenix to arrive, and when it did, I couldnt wait to read it.
Lets face it, this book had a lot to live up to. Its predecessor, Goblet of Fire was eagerly received by the hungry world, and millions of eyes were on Rowling as she took her sweet time writing the fifth one. Some two or three years, countless re-readings of GoF, and endless supplies of imagination later, Order of the Phoenix is here, and I couldnt be happier!
About the book
Im sure you know about the book already, but I have to fulfill the requirements of a review, so here I go.
Order of the Phoenix (henceforth OotP) basically carries on the story from where GoF left off. It starts off in typical Rowling fashion - Harry at the Dursleys. Only, this time, you sense something different. Harry seems to have grown up quite a bit. Instead of being a slightly reserved, thoughtful 14-year-old, he is now growing up, and getting angrier by the minute - and youll find out why.
After some exciting incidents at the Dursleys, Harry is moved to another location in the magical world - a place that we have never seen before. This is what I loved most about this book - we see so much more of the wizarding world, and its even more fascinating than ever. Forget the plot - the simple ins and outs of the magical world is enough to keep me entertained. Rowling uses her imagination, and uses it well, without coming off as garish or gaudy.
Hem-hem. (If you read the book, youd get that ;). Lets continue with the plot. Anyway, Voldemort is officially back again, and that means no good news for Harry. Cornelius Fudge (that moron) and most of the Ministry of Magic is pitted against Dumbledore and the good guys (the Order of the Phoenix). In this book, more than before, people are clearly divided into good and bad.
Anyway, Harrys fifth year is none too pleasant. He has the most awful DADA teacher ever (Dolores Umbridge, that batty old hag), and has O.W.Ls to worry about. Then he has Cho Chang, that distraction (oooh, I cant stand her), Hagrid to worry about, his godfather to keep in touch with, and the list goes on. Without giving away too many details, I can safely say that poor Harry is really in deep soup, and it will certainly wring your heart out.
My take...
You might be wondering why I titled this review Highs and Lows. Its simple - this book, more than any other, takes you to the greatest highs and then sinks you to the deepest lows. Its a rollercoaster of emotion (pardon the cheesiness). Harry experiences some of the happiest moments ever (albeit few of them), and some of the saddest, most heart-wrenching moments ever.
One of my favourite characters died in this book - wont tell you who, and you probably know by now - but it truly is depressing. I will admit that I cried for about an hour, and I am not easily disposed to sobbing. Rowling certainly makes this book darker and more realistic than any of its predecessors.
Other things...
There is so much to mention here and so little time and space to do it. Ill give you a little run-down of characters in short:
Harry - angrier, more grown up, more responsibility, more reality
Hermione - wiser, more supporting, more determined, even smarter
Ron - still the same as ever, more supporting, more conscious, more responsibility
Dumbledore - made big mistakes, repents said mistakes, sheds a tear or two
Snape - gets a little better, in a bad sort of way, easy to love, but easier to hate
Umbridge - evil, enough said
Fudge - a despicable moron, but we can work on him
Neville - theres more here than meets the eye, we find out more about him, and its GOOD
This book is more of a continuation than a pivotal book like GoF was. Many questions are answered here, including why Voldemort wanted to kill Harry, more about Sirius Black, more about the Malfoys, more about Harrys past, and more about his parents. This book will leave you elated, and yet saddened, or perhaps a combination of both. It will make you pine more than ever to be a part of the magical world.
If you have read this book, you will know. Thats about all I can say.
Comments and criticisms always welcome,