Any way I want to tell u that I am a huge fan of the harry potter series.I was waiting for the 6th book atleast for a year.I have read the fifth book more than ten times.There is somethinh magical in the harry potter series which made me read this book. I liked the dudley demented and owls chapters very much.If we take goblet of fire when compared to the fifth book it was less darker.In this book the plot is simple like the other harry potter books harry would get out of privet drive meets the order.then he goes to hogwarts were the ministry was trying to interfere in the
administration of hogwarts.Harry finds there is a teacher who he dislikes other than snape.He starts a illegal organisation with his friends learning to face the dark lord.
he starts learning occlumnency but fails to master it due to which he falls prey to the dark lord facing him in this due course his god father gets killed, but atlast fights back and escapes from him in grief.after which he gets back to hogwarts facing the headmaster who tells him that harry should kill voldemort.
This book is the best book after prisoner of azkaban.But the thing is whats next?
There are several questions arising like what is the books name?What happens to harry, ron, hermione and dumbledore?
The answer is this:
The 6th book name Harry potter and the half-blood prince.its releasing on july 16th.
In this JkR says:
We will learn a lot more about Voldemort in this book.
Harry will leave Privet Drive early again, for a much pleasanter reason than in book 5.
The opening chapter of book 6 was originally planned for the early parts of book 1 and 2.
Book 2 was once called Harry Potter and the half-blood prince.
Neither Harry or Voldemort (including Tom Riddle) are the Half-Blood Prince
There will be a new Minister of Magic, no more Mr. Fudge.
The Dursleys are in the next book, but Harrys stay with them will be the shortest yet. In book 5 he stayed for 4 weeks, so we know his stay will be less than 4 weeks.
In books 6 and 7 we will find out exactly why JK killed off Sirius.
Harry becomes even more powerful in book 6.
In books 6 and 7 we will find out why Dumbledore trusts Snape.
We will find out what happened to Wormtail AKA Peter Pettigrew
More about the animosity between Snape and Sirius will be revealed in the last 2 books.
JK has said that giving away the form of Snapes boggart and patronus says too much. Well definitely find out what Snapes worst fear is, and itll be important.
The reason Voldemort and Harry both didnt die when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, will be revealed.
We will see more of Dracos mother, Narcissa Malfoy, now that Lucius is busy.
Well learn more about Harrys scar in the last 2 books.
Moaning Myrtle will make an appearance again, as will Tonks.
More about Voldemorts birth will be revealed, thus helping us understand why he is so evil.
The wizarding world is really at war in the sixth book.
Harry will tell his dearest friends about the prophesy after it sinks in to him.
Book 6 will be shorter than the 5th book (or at least JKs 99% sure, but will not swear on her childrens lives)
Its very important in the plot that Harry has his mothers eyes, and that her wand was very good for charms.
During an interview for Kids BBC, Victor Greensteet (reporter) asked Rowling if Harry would have a dragon for a pet. This is what she replied: You cant tame a dragon, no matter what Hagrid thinks. Its simply impossible. So no. He has more common sense. He MAY have a different pet in the future, but for now, I wont say anything else. (This could have been buckbeak, but Im sure we can expect more pets)
The choice between whats right and whats easy will be a pillar of the plot in Harrys last 2 years at Hogwarts
Harrys parents profession will be a big part of the plot.
Something HUGE will be revealed about Lily Potter.
A graveyard plays an important role in this book.
This book is not darker like the previous book.
It has romance in general.
somebody will die.(All think its most probably dumbledore)
There is a new charcter named Maclaggen.
These are the events which are going to take place in the 6th book of the harry potter series.