Okay, I know it is a bit late for this review but I made sure there was a background before I review book 6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is just MIND BLOWING like all of its predecessors. Dudley getting close to the dementors was the perfect beginning an HP book could get and the Order of the Phoenix set up by Dumbledore is, I think, the best way to defend Voldemort. The book portrays Harry as an angry teenager which I thought would not be of my taste but soon found out that it was good, as every teenager has temper tantrums. I particulary liked Occlumency and reread Snapes worst memory four times as it is the best part of the book.No, the best part of the book is the adventure in the Department of Mysteries which made me happy as it included Neville showing remarkable bravery.The book finally explains WHY on earth Voldemort wants to kill Harry and why Harry is left with the Dursleys. It is darker and more exciting than any book I have read and Dumbledores conversation with Harry in the end is a masterpiece of writing.The book might give you a serious standing impression, but the humour is unbelievable, especially by the characers Fred and George who realize their long standing idea of opening a joke shop.Though the end is sad with Sirius demise and many secrets not being unveiled, JKR has promised that book 6 will have everything revealed. The book is a little too long but hey, Harry Potter is such a good read that there isnt a boring page. This is a book which CANNOT be put down by adults and children alike.So, now you know what your children would like best for their birthday or Christmas..gift them the entire series, Id say, and you will love it too.