Tittle: Harry Potter And The Order Of the Phoenix
Author: J. K. Rollings
Illustrator: Mary GrandPre.
Children’s Book Cover: A yellow & blue Jacket with a gold Phoenix rising out of the ashes.
Adult Book Cover: A black, blue and white with Harry holding a Wand.
Published in Canada: Raincoat Press
Regular Price: $30.00 CAD, per Book, and I paid $25.00 CAD for both Books.
Number Of Pages: 890.
ISBN: 043935806X
Bought At: Muneos Book Store in Victoria.
What came with the Book: A Certificate with both by Grandsons names, (written with black ink and written in calligraphy), that they are Member, in good standing, of the Order of the Phoenix.
At the end of Book 4, Vodemont had recovered and now has all the powers he lost. Harry had escaped from Voldermort and wanted to warn the People who were practising magic that they are in danger. None of them wanted to listen to a boy who was 11.
Albus Dumbledore said at the end of Book 4:
I say to you all, in the light of Lord Voldemort’s return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
Harry Potter is an Orphan and a Wizard in Training. His Parents were murdered and his Aunt raised him.
Albus Dunmbledore, (Albus means white in Spanish), he is the Principal of Hogwart School.
Ron Weasley is Harrys best Friend.
Hermione Granger is Harrys second best Friend.
Lord Voldermont rules the dark World. His followers are called the Death-Eaters.
Minerva McGinall is a Professor of Transfiguration and his the Head of Gryfindor House.
Severys Snape is the Head of Syltherin House and a Professor of Potions.
Rubeus Hagrid is the Games Keeper at the School.
Molly and Arthur Weisley have six Children, (Ron is one of them). Alex works for the Ministry of Magic.
Dobby is an Elf. Most of his Race are Slaves and do housework. He lived with the Malfoy until Harry freed him. He now gets paid to work at Hogwarts School.
There are a few new Characters
Cho Chang is Harrys first love.
Luna Lovegood is the Daughter of the Publisher of a tabloid
News Paper.
Youll find that Ginny Weasley and Neville Long bottom have larger roles.
The School
I imagine it would look like an old Castle with a Willow Tree that protects it. I love to eat in the Dinning Hall. It has Staircase that move, Paintings that talk and Diagon Alley, (a hidden Market), where the Students can buy things.
Imagine being in a Car that can fly, eating Bertie Botts flavoured Beans and having Floo Power. Whoosh! I would love to be Headless Nick, (the Phantom), and wander through the Halls of Hogwarts. I wonder what secrets I would find!!!
Book 5, (of the 7 Book series), begins one Month after Harry has warned everyone about Voldermort. His Classmates dont trust him any more and dont want to tell him any secrets. Harry is very upset until his Friends have a reunion and do answer a few of his questions.
Voldemort and the powers that be want to stop him. It is a very dangerous time for everyone who love good. The Teachers have begun to teach the Children about the dangers.
Fred and George Weasley, ( are still preforming tests), and Headmaster, Dumbledore tell Harry, why the Wizard, Lord Voldemort, is trying to kill him. The Ministry of Magic refuses to believe the rumours of Voldemorts return to power, and Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, has called in reinforcements to try to take Hogwarts over from Dumbledore.
Professor Umbridge, (Harrys new Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher), becomes a Friend of Fudge. He has enforced so many new rules that the Students are only allowed to do homework!
Harry learns a new life lesson when he finds out that nothing in this World is easy. He can see that his relationship with the People he is close to is quite different now. Harry has some terrible dreams and this disturbs him. Some one close to Harry dies.
The Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not the only place that Harry goes to. He is a young teenager, (only 15), now and has all the yearning that a lad has. He goes to London, England and meets a number of People who arent his Teachers or Classmates.
He begins to think about his future and what he would like to be when he becomes an adult.
When Dumbledore said, I am going to tell you, what I should have told you five Years ago. I thought we would learn why Harrys Parents died.
When Harry has to fight He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I though that was a strange name because in the Jewish Religion only G-ds name must not be said.
He has to worry about a lot of things: A unhappy house elf, Ron has become the leader of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and their O.W.L. level Exams, (the Class doesnt know where Hagrid went... he seemed to vanished into thin air!) and before the Character who dies he/she, Harry learns about his Future.
He dreams of a Door in a silent Hall. The Door becomes very scary even more than any nightmare.
Like all of us, from time to time, Harry has to think about his relationship with other People. Some that he thought were wonderful are not. Some who he believed were terrible, are now!
He has to face fear, being confused, being frustrated and being sorry.
I dont know how Ms. Rowling can remember all of the Characters, (I had to keep looking up the list at the front of the Book).
I love the way she has developed each Character and how she tells the story of the fight between good and evil.
The name of the main Character that dies.
Will Herminone and Rons crush turn out to me more than that?
From the time he was a Baby Voldermort has been try to kill him. Why?
Is Malfoy still an evil Boy?
The ending!!!
I wish I had been in London so I could see the Children dressed up in their favourite Character. They were at the WH Smith Store. I read in the Victoria News Paper that they were sold on Platform 9¾, where the Train took Harry, Hermione and Ron to School on the Hogwarts Express.
In Canada a million copies have been sold. Walmart sold their Books early and are being sued^^!
Do I recommend this Book? Of course I do because every one needs some magic in their life!
If you would like to know more about J. K. Rowlings and Harry Potter I found a web site:
- I have been sick with the flu and I have only been reading reviews and not leaving a comment.
If you read this please leave me a smile. :)