I am an avid reader of the Harry Potter series. I like the unpredictability and- what some call complex- the plot of these books.
It looks intimidating at first sight but trust me its worth it. This book takes all the pluses of its siblings and magnifies them further. The book compells U to think about it and join the bits and pieces yourself.
The story is a little sluggish specially at the start but carries forward the theme well. It also clarifies some of the hidden portions of the plot. The climax involving Harry, Voldemort -and shortly- Dumbledore is awesome.
Like the whole Harry series this one is extremely engrossing with a great sense of adventure and hard to put down midway. It succeeds in taking you to its strata and even after reading it you cant help thinking endlessly about it.
This is a really good book worth shelling out the bucks and imperative to have if Ure into Harry Potter stuff.