Hmm I am a ardent follower of Harry potter series . So right from reading the fifth part …order of phoenix .I am waiting to watch the movie version and I am ….disappointed….and more so when I watched it first time of course I watched it ordinary version .and the other time IMAX .Thanks to prasadz .HYD. The largest IMAX screen in the world.
For the Wizards .who read the Harry books.and already aware of the "WORLD OF MAGIC”. I think it’s a dissapointment.The reason is the script has been very crisply that the muggles.who just watch the Harry movies .doesnt get bored.
I don’t think the photography is the best.I felt the flying scenes are better in the fourth part.even the back ground .score.In the magic world, Voldemort! whose name alone creates a shudder .was not seen as terrifying in the movie .I don’t think even kids will be scared seeing him.some how I felt odd seeing him in a suit on the railway platform.(harrys dream).
I think Hermione and Ron(completely) doesnt have any characterization.just seen hanging around Harry potter.
Hmm Harry(Daniel Radcliff) really looked handsome in the movie. and I believe he is improving movie by movie.the love story between him and Cho chang was just confined to the much talked about Kissing Scene .So I am not sure whether the people who are just following movies will understand why he left cho and go for Gi .(in future series.)
The one who did as dolores umbridge steals the show.Her performance was the best.Also Luna Love good . She suited very well for that role and no one could have done better .Hmm for the first time George and Fred(WEASLEY bros) has got a good part in the movie version. That scene was very well done.
The portrayal of Grawp .(The tiny giant) half brother of hagrid.was done well.manily his facial expressions as a child.was done really well.
The climax.: Hmmm the climax was 3D in the IMAX version and I strongly suggest those who got a chance do watch the Imax version. Mainly the flying scenes .the climax.The duel between . He who must not be named and Dumbledore.
When I am reading the book I really can share sorrow with Harry when sirus black.The lone relation left to Harry .was dead.but was not able to feel the same while watching.
*Overall as I said it was disappointment for the people who are already in the magic world (Wizards), But the movie may run well at box office as it can be enjoyed by people who don’t follow Harry potter series books(muggles).
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