Hi my name is Anchal and I would like to know what you think about this book.
What I think about this book.... well......
okay the truth is that when I picked up this book (from the store) I thought that it will be preaty boring.
And that I would go to sleep when I read the first page.
But when I had read the first page I said to my self that I think that I am going to like it. Well from the first few 100 pages I had liked it a lot but then I t sort of kind of really got boring. So I gave it to my cousin. And you know what? if you see my cousins room it is like he is the 2nd Harry Potter. He has Harry Potter wallpaper Harry potter clothing he has every single copy of harry potter ever writen and you know what he even has a real wand on his dresser. HE IS HARRY POTTER CRAZY. Well that is my opinion what is yours? I would give this book a 2 out of a 1000000.
Dont forget to write back..... and hope you like it.