This is my first review pals. so do excuse the shortcomings wherever possible. But your valuable comments are of course invited. :-)
I have been hearing a lot about Harry potter. Considering it as yet another series for children, I ignored it for long. But then my curiosity got better of me and kabaam!! I bought all the four books in one go!!! And friends I must say, I have not regretted it even one bit.
The books are expertly written, the language lucid and the story board intriguing. The authoress has indeed managed to become the modern Enid Blyton. But yet I would not compare her with Blyton. The reason being her style of writing which unlike that of Blytons, is just right for both the young and the old.
The story of young Harry Potter is marked with everything a child would want to read. There are the good samaritans(Dumbledore, Hagrid), the bad lot(Uncle, Aunt, Dudley) the friends (Ron, Hermione) and the magic. As for the older lot the drama in every chapter is awfully intriguing. The book starts to become absorbing after some 4-5 pages and continues to be so till the end of the fourth book.
I surely recommend this series to every book lover here.
As for me I am eagerly waiting for the fifth book and filling my free time with rereading the four books.