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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban - J K Rowling
Anita S@Bookworm123
Oct 27, 2004 10:26 AM, 2722 Views
(Updated Oct 27, 2004)
Dementors and a God Father

Harry Potter, a 13 year old orphan boy whose birthday has no meaning for anybody. A famous personality in the wizarding world, but a not to be seen young boy in the muggle world. Harry Potter, a boy hated by his Uncle and Aunt, bullied by his cousin Dudley, yet cheerful in all ways. This is what makes Harry Potter so famous.

The third book by JK Rowling starts with Harry spending his summer holidays away from his schools Hogwarts Wizarding School and friends. He becomes 13 years with nobody remembering his birthday at home. His friends Ron, Hermione and Hagrid all from the wizarding world send him lovely gifts to make sure that his birthday is not forgotten.

At the breakfast table when his uncle announces that the day was special, Harry?s heart takes a jump with joy thinking that atleast his only people whom he has in this world, remembered his birthday. But the joy is short lived when his uncle announces that Aunt Marge will be visiting them and that she would be staying with them for a week.

Harry knew his troubles were renewed again, for Aunt Marge was a woman who felt Harry deserved nothing, but the worst. Still when his uncle informs Harry, that he must be polite with her and tell that he attends a school for mentally incurable boys, Harry is shocked. This was a lot to pretend, but he strikes a bargain with his uncle, he would pretend as instructed and that his uncle would have to sign a permission form sent from his school to enable him to visit the wizarding village during the weekends.

All goes on well, until Aunt Marge begins to insult Harry and his parents in a drunken stupor. All the patience and the effort put by Harry by thinking of his Quidditch match, his broom cleaning kit to avoid Aunt Marge?s words takes a drop when Aunt Marge loses her tongue and insults Harry and his parents. Aunt Marge bloats into a monstrous balloon and Harry walks out of the house in anger with all his things fearing punishment from his unbearable uncle and aunt.

Just when he walks out into the dark night, he meets a dog or a grim which gives him a sudden shiver. At the same time, the Knight bus comes to his rescue and Harry gets into the bus and asks him to take him to London to the Diagon Alley. He gives a false name for he?s now sure that the entire ministry of magic would be looking for him for it was under the law to perform magic at home. Thinking all is lost; Harry walks into the Diagon Alley. But to his surprise, the Minister for Magic Fudge is very much happy to see him and gets him an accommodation. His friends Ron and his parents who love Harry a lot come over to see him and stay close by. Harry is very surprised to see all the sudden care and protection thrown around him, and gets to know the truth when he over hears Ron?s parents talking about the danger he?s facing and the fact that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban and that Harry was in danger.

This is a small introduction to how the story unfolds itself.

After this introduction, I would certainly suggest that each one of you read this book of Potter for among all Potter books, I found this one to be the best. The suspense, the sacrifice made by friends for each other, the love and affection showered on Harry all keeps the reader in grips and makes one to imagine as if everything is visible to the reader.

The narration by Rowling is excellent and makes one to feel the fear felt by Harry when he has the fight the Dementors, the joy which exults when he wins the Quidditch cup, the determination installed in Harry that he has get the snitch whether or not the Dementors attack him and the pain felt when he comes in contact with the Dementors.

The agony Harry feels when Potions teacher Professor Snape always looks at him with hatred and always muttering awful curses. Harry and the Deviation teacher who keeps predicting Harry?s death at every class and the enjoyment with which Ron and Harry complete the homework given by her by prediction their death at least 4 times in a week is very funny to read. The love and the strict nature of the Transformation teacher and the wonderful Headmaster bring out the best in Harry. The Defense of the Darks teacher Professor Lupin who was once Harry?s father?s best friend helps Harry overcome his fear of the Dementors and encourages him at every step.

Harry is well supported by his two best friends Ron and Hermione and of course, Hagrid who now becomes a teacher for Caretakers of Magical Creatures.

Read the book to find out how the magic unfolds and the hunted guy Sirius Black is proved innocent by Harry and the pleasure felt when he becomes Harry?s God Father.

In all, one of the best books in terms of story and suspense. The rise of One-Who-must not ?be- named, the Dark Lord is very gripping to the reader and one cannot resist completing the book in one sitting.

A must must read for all Harry Potter fans!!!!!

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