A book to love. I was indeed forced to buy this one by my insides. I had read the first 2 books as soon as I could and then there was about an years wait before I got my hands on the baby.
J.K Rowlings writing facinates me by now because she gives importance to detail and the unexpected.
These are maybe the 2 only factors for her success.
This title like her last 2 books also revolves around a storyline that takes a U turn in the end and everything that she has forced us to belive becomes suddenly unbelivable.
The journey is exiting and plotted right from the first page. She has written it in souch a way that if you read carefully verything is interlinked to either the previous or the upcoming titles. She seems to have writeten all the voumes in one big great mile long roll of parchement so it all makes sense with one another and the she must be writting down smal parts of it and giving it to her publisher.
This book is the biggest in the first three volumes around 320 pages of exiting readiing and facinating fantasy awaits you, so make sure you stock up loads of choclate frogs within arms reach and start reading.
I would recomend you read the first 2 titles first.