Yup I do mean it.
For a person like me who, has read all the four books I was indeed expecting much more from the Warner bros.
But I m indeed thankful to them for releasing this movie.
Every actor is just right for his role. I am truly smitten by Harry Potter. (yup my hubby knows that and does not feel threatened though :-( )
The sets were well designed and as I said before the cast is wisely selected.
As I went about watching the film, I could predict what would happen next. Now dont take that as a negative point towards the movie please. I just meant to say that since I knew the book as well( as the many ppl in the audience) I found the incidents familiar.
Which is my fav scene? yup the Quidditch Match!!! When I had first read about it, my mind has started its looms of imaginations at full speed. And I find that the director has done full justice to the game. As I watched the seeker, the chasers and the teams in general, play, I imagined that I was one amongst the players(u guessed it right - the seeker!!).
But even as I watched the whole movie in glee, I realized that many minute details and minor incidents were waived. I guess the director was sure that the people who would watch the movie would surely have read the first if not all the books.
All in All, a fine movie just right for people of all ages